Watskebeurt! (nominated Musical award 'best stagedesign' 2018)Director: Peter van de WitteText and songs: De Jeugd van TegenwoordigScenography: Ascon de NijsCostumes: Arno BremersLights: Uri RappaportProducer: Bos theaterproducties Photography: Raymond van Oplhen
Chez Brood
At Bos theatre productions they made a name producing musicals zichare not the average kind. Rock music pieces like Chez Brood (winner of musical price 2016 and nominated for the stage design) and Watskebeurt (nominated for the musical price stage design) are good examples this style.
Buurman en Buurman (5 seizoenen)
Buurman en Buurman (5 seizoenen)Director: Bruun KuijtScript: Jelle KuiperScenography: Ascon de NijsLights: Mike den OttolanderCostumes: Joost van WijmenProducer: Senf theaterpartners/Jelle Kuiper
Pipi Langkous
Pipi LangkousDirector: Jasper VerheugdScenography: Ascon de NijsLights: Marc HeinzCostumes: Sabine Snijders
50 tinten
50 tintenDirector: Jasper VerheugdScript: Niek BarendsenScenography: Ascon de NijsLights: Mike den OttolanderProducer: Senf Theaterpartners Photography: Roy Beusker