

Sonastinas – 4 feet. A new performance by the Duda Païva company in collaboration with the Fractal dance company. A mix of Fractal’s breakdance related dance material and Duda’s lyrical puppeteering. Premiered online as the opening of the Cadanz festival 2021.

Director and puppets: Duda Païva
Choreography: Zino
Scenography: Ascon de Nijs
Lights: Mark Verhoeven



(work in progress). A new performance by actress Harriet Stroet. A mixture of fysical theatre, sculptural art, puppeteering and stand up comedy. Last month we had a research period, supported by the Stimuleringsfonds creatieve industrie and productiehuis Feikes Huis.

Concept and acting: Harriet Stroet
Scenography/costumes/lights: Ascon de Nijs

Dogs of madness

Dogs of madness

Dogs of madness is an online movie I designed for the Staatstheater Hannover. It’s inspired by the Dyonisian orgies from the classic play Bahckai (Euripides). Made with 6 actors from the Staatstheater and one dutch dancer. Directed by Guy Weizman and filmed by Maarten van Rossem.



Normaloco is een gezelschaps, bordspel wat ontwikkeld is door acteurs Sanne den Hartogh, Lowie van Oers en vormgever Ascon de Nijs. Door middel van 9 kartonnen spelborden in combinatie met 9 online filmpjes doe je een zoektocht naar het “Nieuwe Normaal”.

Het spel is onderdeel van de NITE Delivery Box die door het NNT/CLub Guy & Roni wordt uitgegeven.

‘Carrousel’ decorontwerp (video)

In Carrousel the actors of the Noord Nederlands Toneel, the dancers of Club Guy & Roni and the musicians of Asko | Schönbergs K[h]AOS drag you into an exhausting and catastrophic competition. The agony of the participants has become a form of entertainment. Why do we enjoy wachting others suffer? Does it bring our own happiness just a little more within reach?